Elite Capital & Co. Limited Won 1st Place in CEO-Insight’s List of 20 ‘Best in Class’ 2016 Awards

London, UK (AGENCIES) February 01, 2016 — Dr. Faisal Khazaal, Chairman of Elite Capital & Co. Limited (ECC), announced today that “the listing of our name in CEO Insight Magazine as winner of the ‘BEST FINANCIAL LENDER UK & EUROPE 2016’ is a result of the company’s continuing efforts to provide innovative financial solutions to funding of infrastructure and commercial projects all around the world”.

These Awards were established to reward excellence and recognize best practice and innovation across the European business community. CEO-Insight celebrate those who have attained the peak of achievement in terms of distinction and market influence. The list mirrors the nominations, suggestions and contributions of the readership and analyses new trends to uncover the best and the brightest pioneers in business today. This is recognition of ECC’s drive to design solutions for clients after they have exhausted traditional funding sources and methods.

Elite Capital & Co. Limited does not use a ‘one size fits all’ approach to project funding, but instead analyses the client’s project in detail, and designs a solution to meet the requirements for each specific client. Some examples of funding structures include:

  •     Capital raising through Bond issues
  •     Promissory Note coupled with a back-end sinking fund to guarantee loan repayments
  •     Insurance backed Promissory Notes
  •     Providing turnkey solutions with best in class EPC contractors and related finance

Mr. George Matharu, ECC’s President & CEO, explained that “these funding structures require meticulous design and planning in consultation with the client, and are only possible to implement with the combined experience and knowledge of our staff and Board Members”.

Projects operations accepted by Elite Capital & Co. Limited can be either BOOT (Build, Own, Operate, Transfer) BOO (Build Own Operate), BOT (Build Own Transfer), BTO (Build, Transfer, Own), BT (Build Transfer), BLT (Build, Lease, Transfer), BRT (Build, Rent, Transfer) or PPP (Public Private Partnership).

ECC’s services depend on four types of “Funding Collateral”.

1. Commercial Bank Instruments; Bank Guarantees, Bonds, Medium Term Notes, or other Bank Debt Instruments issued by banks rated ‘B+’ or better, but this can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

2. Sovereign Guarantee; Elite Capital & Co. Limited is able to facilitate funding for Government and Infrastructure Projects against a Sovereign Guarantee subject to the Sovereign Guarantee being ratified by the relevant authorities and departments, namely the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance in the respective countries. In some cases the Sovereign Guarantee may need to be confirmed by a Commercial Bank.

3. Resource Guarantee; The option is available to fund projects against a Resource Guarantee such as an Oil Guarantee or any other significant and valuable minerals or resources that the country has may also be considered.

4. Promissory Notes; Corporate Promissory Notes endorsed by a commercial bank can be useful if the project has bankable assets that can be used for leverage financing.

Dr. Faisal Khazaal concluded his statement by saying “We look forward to working with our clients during 2016 and beyond, and would like to thank our business partners in helping us to achieve the 2016 award for BEST FINANCIAL LENDER UK & EUROPE”.

— Download copy of the CEO-Insight’s report —

“20 Best in Class” List of 2016

– Elite Capital & Co.’s Contact Details –

Elite Capital & Co. Limited
33 St. James Square
London, SW1Y4JS
United Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0) 203 709 5060
Facsimile: +44 (0) 203 709 5061
